Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Pak Longs Android Programming Corner for Absolute Beginners - Continued - Part 3 - Displaying an Image as the Size of the Screen in an ImageView within an Activity


In the above video I show you how to display an image in an ImageView control, within an Activity; which is the full width of the screen of your Android smartphone. As an example I use a PNG graphics file which is actually our company logo, see below.

Join me again soon for another free Android smartphone programming video tutorial !

Our company logo used in the video tutorial above:


  1. Hi Philip, Along with video text of the lecture if provided will be very useful. If there is a problem with video we can read the text atleast. I use my mobile to browse. The text in the video is too small to read. Voice low (in my mobile). Hope u appreciate the point.

    1. Thank you for giving valuable comments about my video. Unfortunately this video is not designed to be used on small mobile screens. I currently do not have the facilities to make the text larger on my videos.
      I tried listening to my videos with headphones, I agree that the sound volume is low although I could still hear and understand it with headphones on. Also, it is not easy to annotate the screen with the text of what I am saying and I dont have adequate facilities to do this well without cluttering up the screen with text. Also, at this time I have not produced accompanying lecture notes for this video as I dont have the time and nowhere for people to download them easily.

  2. Hi Philip, Along with video text of the lecture if provided will be very useful. If there is a problem with video we can read the text atleast. I use my mobile to browse. The text in the video is too small to read. Voice low (in my mobile). Hope u appreciate the point.
