Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Pak Longs Android Programming Corner for Absolute Beginners - Continued - Part 4 - Display a Vertically Scrolling Rainbow of Colours


The above video shows the novice Android developer how to display a View in an Activity that contains a vertically scrolling rainbow or spectrum of colours using a mapping from HSV (hue, saturation, value) model space to RGB (red, green, blue) colour space (the one your Android device directly uses.)

In this tutorial you will come across the following Android SDK objects:

. LinearLayout
. Activity
. View
. Canvas
. Paint
. ArrayList

Happy learning, and see you all soon in the next tutorial!

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Pak Longs Android Programming Corner for Absolute Beginners - Continued - Part 3 - Displaying an Image as the Size of the Screen in an ImageView within an Activity


In the above video I show you how to display an image in an ImageView control, within an Activity; which is the full width of the screen of your Android smartphone. As an example I use a PNG graphics file which is actually our company logo, see below.

Join me again soon for another free Android smartphone programming video tutorial !

Our company logo used in the video tutorial above:

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Pak Longs Android Programming Corner for Absolute Beginners - Continued - Part 2 - Tutorial Android Application that displays a Vertically Scrolling List of Country Names


Hi, the above video shows you how to write an Android application to display a vertically scrolling list of country names on the screen of your Android smartphone. This Android application is created using the Eclipse IDE and Android SDK. At the bottom of the screen, below the scroll view, you will notice an "OK" button, which when pressed will terminate the application

In the process of making this Android application you will encounter the following SDK object types, etc:

  • ScrollView,
  • Button,
  • View,
  • TableLayout,
  • TableRow,
  • OnClickListener,
  • TextView,
  • Colours in Android represented by hexadecimal numbers.
Keep posted for more, and more!

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Pak Longs Android Programming Corner for Absolute Beginners

I have made some introductory videos on YouTube

The first video shows you how to turn on "Debugging Mode" on your Android smartphone so that when you connect your phone to your PC via USB cable and run an Android application that you have written in, say, Eclipse, the Android application will automatically be uploaded to your Android smartphone and executed. The Android smartphone I have done this on is an HTC Desire HD; your smartphone may differ in the way you turn Debugging Mode on depending on your make and model.

The next video shows you how to create a simple "Hello, World" application for the Android smartphone in the Eclipse IDE integrated development environment. Once created, the Android "Hello, World" application to run from Eclipse directly onto my Android smartphone; the output can be seen on the PC desktop through a freely downloadable utility called droid@screen

I will be adding more videos in future, so stay tuned!

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